Sunday, July 02, 2006

Mmmm, Soylent

Being back at my parents house is not really all that weird. It's like I never left, except that my room has completly different furniture in it and nothing is at all the same. It's nice though. I really like what my mum's done with my room, it looks good. If only she'd done that while I lived here. I may not have been so ill-adjusted to life in the real world. Can I just say this one thing and I'll never bring it up again? Why do the employees in Safeway make a point of looking at you and saying "Good morning" with a false cheery disposition? I gotta tell ya, kinda creepy. You just know the woman behind the deli counter isn't that happy at 8:15 in the frickin morning. And someone should tell health and safety those hairnets freak me out. And have they never heard of clear hairnets? You can't even see them on most test subjects. (Yes I did say most, there were a few lab rats who looked completely skuz during lab tests). And if for some crazy reason this woman is soo cheery that early, what is she really making back there? I wouldn't be surprised if your tuna sandwich didn't have a healthy dollop of Soylent Green.

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