Monday, June 05, 2006


I couldn't possibly fake interest in the Oilers. Everyday, some guy tries to make small talk at the counter and it's always, "Going out to watch the game?" I used to humor them, smiling and saying things like, "Go Oilers" or "Who isn't?" But there's always that one who starts talking about who scored what, who's gonna score what and who's gonna win what. That's where I cut him off. I love the look of pure unfiltered, seeping disappointment. If I can ruin just one person's afternoon, it's been a good day.

I caught about 10 minutes of one of the Star Wars movies yesterday. How the hell did Jaba the Hut wield soo much power? You've got to be kidding me, a little salt and Chewy's king. I did however discover a new word. I'm going to casually drop the word 'Wookie' into daily conversation. My plan isn't complete but the rough drafts calls for lines like, "That's soo Wookie, eh?" and "Very Wookie." I can see the big picture. Your children's children will be saying it. Just you wait.

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