Friday, October 07, 2005

Took The Midnight train Going Anywhere

Wow, it's been a while since my last post. As I sit here listening to Journey's classic Midnight Train I'm hit with the sudden realization that: A. I'm cold. and B. I've never ever dreamed of being any kind of Pro Athlete. Woah, that hurts the pride a bit. It's not up there with your mum telling 5 co-workers that you have to see all day, everyday the embarrassing story that you never wanted revealed, at the work lunch table, but it is above falling on the ice walking up to Rexal (which by-the-way was called Skyreach in my day) with every scalper and panhandler watching. Oh yes, there were panhandlers, oh and you just know that they have a network. How does the phone chain really go down with them anyways? You must have a payphone that you'd frequent. Nice, like a 555 number. Those really are the best. I always wonder who's on the other end of a 555 number when your favorite 30-something-actor-playing-a-20-something-character calls his peeps for a kegar. Also, who charges the cordless phones for a scene? The phones always light up and beep when dialing just like an actual phone. It adds to the realism of the show/movie. I know I'm always convinced it's real when Drew runs into the yard and bolts down the driveway with the murderer right behind her. Not only would I not run away because A. You have baseball bats, knives, and hammers inside your house but B. You know the layout better than any murderer who's cased the joint and barracading yourself in the attic works, note to self just pull the little cord up and voila! Instant safety! But I would stay and fight. I mean you're going to either die or kill your attacker. You'll die running but if you die fighting you'll at least get to know what it's like to slice and dice. Plus, murder in the name of self defense no longer becomes a crime. I may need to check that fact for you next time.

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