Sunday, November 13, 2005

Joe Simpson: Marketing Genius

Quite simply put, Joe Simpson is a marketing genius. Not only did I buy the Jessica Simpson Christmas CD last year, but I now want to buy her new products. Her beauty line Desert, is calling my name. It's sweet sweet voice is all I hear when shopping for new lotion or lip gloss. I'm sick, I need help. Please won't someone help me???

My question is this: Is the song Hurt done by both Johnny Cash and Nine Inch Nails written by Cash or the Nails? I'm confused. I asked Jeeves and he didn't have a clear answer for me. That's what you get for asking a butler. This woman at work told me once that all butlers do is buttle. What? I realized that it was a joke but now I wonder why the word butler came to mean what it does. Oh good old Google, they got me the answer I so desperately need. Trent Reznor wrote the song. So Johnny did a cover of Nine Inch Nails. Nice! Take that B Rad! I was right! I think it's time you knew, I know all. Well, I know most.

I've now been told twice by 2 different totally unconnected people that when I use the word "buddy," I sound like a trucker. Well, I'll retire the word buddy, but I'm going back to dude, and if I hear you two say anything like, "Where's your surfboard?" or "Woah!" I will bust a cap. Oh yes, that's right, I will bust a cap. Yeah I said it, wanna fight about it?

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