Saturday, November 12, 2005


Why can't you wear white after Labour Day? I was watching tv today and on a commercial the narrator said something cheeky about white shoes after Labour Day. I'm gonna Google it.

Ok, I'm back, and I've got an answer. I found a few but most sites cited temperature. Apparently because white reflects light and heat, wearing white would make you cooler in winter, and thus should be avoided. But others suggest the rule stems from a class issue. I don't know what to believe anymore. I mean if you can't believe everything you read on the internet, what's the world coming to?

While I was on Google's site I noticed that the L in Google was replaced with a poppy. I'm assuming because of Remembrance Day. That's just plain nice. I don't use the word nice and actually mean it. It's just one of those words that don't really mean anything. Like happy. One can be described as happy, or nice. Wouldn't exuberant or kind be a better description? I like learning new words. On Wednesday I learned what a Pharm Party is. What doesn't CSI teach us? I now know not to give my DNA or fingerprints to the police without a warrant and now what a Pharm Party is. Oh, for the young one's out there, just say no kids.

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