Friday, November 11, 2005

Swear Word: Level 5!

I went shopping today, I bought lots, I need none of it. But I heart shopping.
Charity bracelets, I'm a fan. I have 2. Yes I know, 2 is a bit extreme, but they're for great charities. Livestrong for Lance Armstrong's attempt to kick some cancer ass, and Think Pink for breast cancer. Earlier at WEM, I saw a group of preteen girls. All had about 6 rubber bracelets. I know the daft little rhyme about assuming, but I did it. I assumed they were for charity. I was soooo wrong! You buy them at the dollar store, and I'm gonna admit it. I said a level 5 swear.

I'm watching the pilot episode of the Sopranos. How the hell does Tony Soprano get all these mistresses?!? He's old and bald, yet he gets lotsa play. What an old word, mistress. When I think of a mistress I picture a pale 1930's woman with black curly hair, a mole on her left cheek, a fur caplet and a long cigarette stick thing. Kinda like Cruella DeVille. Woah, Cruella DeVille is like Cruel Devil. She is a mean hoe in the movies. Wow, Disney knows how to mess with ya.

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