Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Andrew, It Doesn't Even Smell Bad

Who the hell comes up with these commercials? I don't care how long you've been married, no one, I mean no one would smell a shirt that's been worn for a 2 hour run. Like eww... I'm going through writer's block. Oh don't be afraid, I have plenty idea nuggets up in my noggin, it's just sometimes I don't have a computer at my ready when I think of them. So I have 2 options, I can A. try to remember my golden thought or B. write it down on anything available to me. There are problems on both horizons, my memory sucks so option A is out and I can't make heads or tails of my half thought out scribbles. You try:

Bittersweet- try to make a better one
Poker? Why not Joker? But there is a joker, try to rework
Aieee! commercial, lots of mud, why no dry dirt, climate change or easier to wash?

Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. I'm retarded.

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