Monday, May 29, 2006

Stay Cool My Babies

Julia Stiles bugs me. More than Tom Green but less than vegetarians. They're so in your face and we're better than you attitude sucks. I was one for 7 years and let me tell you, if a vegetarian says they don't look down on meat eaters, they're lying.

Why did this "Yeah yeah yeah yeah" phenomenon start? Have we run out of words we can throw into songs? I say replace yeah with Teradactile or Chesterton and then you've got a number one hit.

This morning I awoke from my slumber annoyed and slightly pissed off at one of my co-workers because in my dream last night, he gave me ecstasy. The funny thing is, if I were every to take E, he'd be the go to guy. Am I the only one who thinks foreign languages sound very angry. I was listening to this girl talking to her friends and it sounded like she was laying into them. I wondered why someone would tear into someone at WEM in front of Edmontontonians and tourists gallore when she may have been telling them they look slammin or even fantabulous.

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