Saturday, May 13, 2006

Today's Letter is P for Pancake

I have to say it, Napoleon Dynamite is the best movie ever!!!!! I'm not ashamed to say that I admire his mad dancing skills. I am also not afraid to say that I learned the dance. Yes, I did sit in front of my TV, say to myself, "I want to learn that" and then do it. And let me tell you the joy I'm filled with every time I Ride the Snake or do the Polish Shuffle. Good times. The other night, the waitress overheard us talking about the movie and had the bartender, (who was crazy BTW) put "Just Dance" (the song from the dancing scene) on, if I wasn't half-way banjaxed, I totally would have done the dance. I did however Ride the Snake outside with the girls as we were getting "Air." That's code for M and S weedin it up and Bananny and TareBear blazing. I was shocked as hell to know that TareBear smoked. Gobsmacked when I heard that. Tick~Tock makes the best pancakes. G for good. I think I'm going to take our waffle maker to work. I really wanted one yesterday. I could have made one if I had my handy dandy waffle maker with my handy dandy syrup. The only draw back would be the cleanup. I just leave it at home and it's mysteriously gone next time I go to the kitchen. But at work, it's only me and Bananny. I don't think she'll cleanup after a waffle fiasco, don't think so.... The only thing better than pancakes is chocolate chip pancakes. Desert Fox makes good C.C. Pancakes. Sweet....

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