Wednesday, August 17, 2005


If there was an earthquake on Saturn or Pluto, would thet be called earthquakes? Or would they be called saturnquakes or plutoquakes? It sounds stupid to call them earthquakes but isn't earth the stuff under your feet? We call dirt earth... Whatever

I have to say that Napolean Dynomite is a really funny movie. Why are his eyes always closed? Also, I've seen a preview recently for a new movie (I have no idea which one, once I saw that the kid was Jon Header, I was lost) and he doesn't look mental in it. I would be friends with a Napolean Dynamite, not only for his quirks but his name is wicked. I think it'd be cool to have a name like Razor or Rex. Only it'd be hard to be a lawer or judge with a name like Razor. Why does it take some guys a couple of days to grow a mustache and others like a month? Very weird. Facial hair for guys is like makeup for girls. Also, since when is caveman eyebrows back? I'm very disturbed by this.

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