Friday, August 05, 2005

Radio Killed the Video Stars

Why does the radio have to kill every song I love? Far too many times I've had to say goodbye to my friends. This week, another song was murdered. Goodbye 'Possum Kingdom' by 'Toadies' goodbye.

Did you ever wonder what your teachers were like outside of school? I'd be lying if I said I didn't. Were they rich? Were they actually funny? Or were they weird like your homophobic neightbour who showered with his clothes on and never hugged his kids kinda weird? I'd rather believe the fairytale that they really did live at the school and that the teachers lounge was a magical place. Well boys and girls, today at 4:25pm my dream was shattered. Not only did I see my grade 7 science teacher outside of school, but he his family. Can you imagine my shock? Can you? I'm soo depressed I don't even want to talk about it.

I'm watching the Meaning of Life. What a great movie! Not only is there cursing, blood, guts and gore(checkout the living transplants part for more) but chances are your parents will let you watch it! Who could refuse someone the chance to watch theMonty gang for all it's worth? I couldn't, could you? Well, that's tonights topic. Call 780-423-1029 and give us your opinion. Untill later then.

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