Wednesday, March 08, 2006

What Hammer? What Sickle? You Crazy!

Our Prime Minister's eyes freak me out. What is his deal? Does he not see how tricked out they are? How could he not? They look right at him in the mirror. It's like they're clear with a bit of food colouring in them just for effect. Ick.

You can't create a folder called 'con' in Microsoft Windows. Trust me, I tried. I dare you, try it. What a stupid thing, what not Microsoft??? Won't you let me live, Bill? Oh why won't you let me live? What if I was a parole officer and I had to create a folder for my emails. I'd like to be able to segregate between my law abiding friends and the cons that I parole. That'd be a sweet gig, just keep tabs on people. I wonder if you'd get some big boss glasses too. Oh, and a '76 Caddy Devile. That'd be sweet, especially if you could have a fish tank in the middle console. That's what modern cars are missing. Fish tanks and waffle makers. I can't tell you how many times my friends and I have been jonesing for a waffle but be darned, we can't find a waffle shack anywhere. Oh no my friends, not even an International House of Pancakes as a substitute. I can see a big market for in-car waffle makers. I should really patent that. I also want to buy a acre of moon land. It may not mean something to me now but when I'm thawed out 137 years from now, we may just vacation on the moon. I'd like to play golf on the moon, who wouldn't? Communists, that's who. Those ruskies, crazy ruskies.

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