Sunday, February 19, 2006

Make a Splint! Not a Hat!

It's true, the guy from the Alexander Keith's beer commercials was charged for holding child pornography. Wow, what will we do without the loud-mouthed thick, grey wool sweater and kilt wearer warning other bar patrons in an exaggerated Scottish brogue that they should not spill a drop of their Alexander Keith's ale. I mean, until I saw those commercials I thought beer was supposed to be spilled on random bar floors and that bottles couldn't get a broken neck. I've learned soo much from those commercials that I could quite confidently perform first aid on a bottle, broken neck and all. I know not to make a hat, but to make a splint. But yeah, I guess they'll be putting some distance between their beer and child porn. I say, good idea, others may not agree, but I say, good idea. So I guess Robert Norman Smith goes the way of Pee Wee Herman Michael Jackson and Gary Glitter.

You really are The Knowledge Whore.

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