Thursday, February 02, 2006

Why Don't You Eat a Decroded Piece of Crap?!?

B Rad thinks my titles often have nothing to do with the content of my post. This one doesn't, and I really don't know where this title actually comes from. Oh that's right, B Rad's favorite movie, Napoleon Dynamite. He really does love this movie, he has action figures and really does aspire to be just like Napoleon. He even calls his brother Kip.

While watching Speakers Corner last night I had a thought. Why the hell would anyone ever come to this country? If I were going by Canadian television, I'd think the people of Canada were dim-witted, inbred, hunting low brow snaggle tooths. I would never come to this country. I would love to speak to the "on the scene" reporters and ask them what the hell they are thinking. Why would you pick the hick from the boonies about Canada's 2 tier health system??? Billy Bob's idea of healthcare is his auntie Bessie's rabies tonic and moonshine cough serum. Yeah, real reliable, and terribly accurate of the modern Canadian and of our ideas.

Tomorrow is my last day at work, I am dreading my alarm at 5:30 am. I vow that I will never get up that early ever again. It's sad to say it, but I will actually miss going to work at, well, lets just say it rhymes with Hal-Cart. And I will miss bickering with B Rad, and forever messing with his truck. That's really, really, awesome fun. I will, however, not miss B Rad's molester, The D.Q. or the Barn Yard Crew. I should scream freedom, all William Wallace like, when I swipe out for the last time. Yeah, maybe I should, but I am going to toss one steel toe shoe on Highway 16 and the other on Highway 16X. I'll add to the one shoe epidemic. No, wait, pandemic. Seriously, it's gripping the nation. I am forever seeing one shoe lying on the side of the highways. How do you keep walking after loosing one shoe. It's not like you don't notice. I'd notice the sharp rocks and rubber shreds and countles nails and glass. And who looses just one shoe??? Tomorrow I'll "loose" both, just one at a time. And I have to say, I am really looking forward to it. More than one should, it's really unhealthy. I should be worried.

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