Monday, January 09, 2006

Episode 01-10-06 "Captain Goggles Returns"

Today I was asked for like the 6th time, how my dad's surgery went, and what exactly did they (the surgeon) do? People, if you ask what the surgeon did, I'm going to tell you. Do play the game of "I wanna know but eww that's gross so don't tell me but yeah tell me I can handle it but eww no I can't but I still wanna know." I don't think you know how annoying that really, really is. And what kind of salt do they use on pretzels? Because it's great. I've tried just tasting table salt and it's not good, but the clear square of salt, good. That is all, I've got nothing. Maybe an episode of Captain Goggles returns to work tomorrow, will make for good blogin'. Till then, laters. Oh B Rad, I posted something for ya. Scroll down to the next post. Yeah, you're welcome.

Nation Security is a really stupid funny movie. Good times.

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