Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I Think I'm Soo Funny...

No one knows how to annoy people like me. Especially when it's my family. An exceptionally when it's my sister. My favorite way, annoying her when she's really into a show or movie. Star Wars III is my favorite. My stupid questions leave her totally cheezed and me, completly ammused.

Repeatedly referring to the movie as Star Trek. At first, it was an innocent mistake but when she started getting annoyed, it was just funny.

When the Chancellor turned to whats-his-face-that-turns-into-Garth-Vader and said "I have good news", without missing a beat I shouted "I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico!" That's when I got the look. Yes, that look, the one soo cold your veins would freeze and shatter.

Asking why Captain Picard wasn't in there fighting with the force. But then answer myself by saying, "Oh yeah, these are before, I ment Captain Kirk, Why isn't he and Scotty there?" That's when I got the look.

Telling her R2D2 looked like a trash can on wheels, and that with the first 2 movies a big hit, you'd think he'd be all pimped out. Like how big was the budget, I thought Wes Craven was a better director than that. (Yes I know it was George Lucas but it's just that fun)

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