Saturday, January 21, 2006

Thanks Taco Town!

I'm really ok with making old things better. We used to walk everywhere, then we enslaved horses, then we didn't like riding the horses so we built carts, then we put motors in the carts and made glue out of our horses, and now we have cars. And back in the day, people used to cut their hair with a knife. I can only imagine the split ends that resulted, but then someone made the knife into 2 knives with handles and joined them at a pivot joint, they're now called scissors. See, things can be made better. Now you're probably thinking, "Tacos can't be made even better, right Kell?" Wrong. They can and Taco Town is here to show us how. Follow this link, it's going to change your life.


Kelly said...
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Kelly said...

Uh, I did know that, and just because you watch a stupid car commercia, and learn something mildly intelligent, doesn't mean you're king shit.