Friday, January 20, 2006

Storage Room "D"

Chaz and Carrot Top were at work today. Sounds normal but they've both quit, Carrot Top back in the summer and Chaz back in November. They stopped by just to see if they're still remembered. It was Carrot Top's first visit but Chaz's 5th. Get a life guys. Get a life. They even sat in for the manager's 3pm meeting. That's sad. So sad. They're like Milton Waddams from the movie Office Space. The one who was let go but just doesn't get it. I've provided a link for a sound clip. Yeah, they're like that. If you haven't seen the movie, you need to. Seriously, go, now. Look I appreciate the devotion but seriously, get up now, run to your nearest movie store, buy it (trust me, it's not a renter it's a buyer) , watch it and come back, I'll still be here. Well, now that you're back, imagine 2 Miltons wandering around making sure everyone remembers them. No Chaz, I don't have your bloody stapler.

I was going to mention the really stupid thing B Rad said today, but I'll leave that for another day. Maybe I'll be nice to him for a while, then when he least suspects it, Bam! Novacain and impartial! Yeah Boyee! Ok, I promise, that's THE last time I do that. At least on paper.

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