Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Colabs Aren't Cool

Listen, to all you artists out there that are crying into your wheaties. Yes, your 15 minutes are over, and no, a collaboration won't help. You know who you are coughLinkinParkcough. I hate a down and out celeb/artist who gets famous again just because Madonna or Jay Z whored themselves out to make some chedda. And newly appointed Miss J. Simpson, I hate that you are famous because you're a slob, couldn't clean even if you had Mary Poppins, and may or may not be mildly retarded. Also, not knowing the difference between chicken or fish isn't cute, it's demeaning and you just set back blondes 11 years. And they were so close to indifference. Soo close. But your dear old dad is a marketing genius, so I'll let it slide. And to you free loaders out there, no you can't act just because you can sing, and yes, we will notice if you put your face on a Janis Joplin album. Oh! OMG! I almost forgot! It is not ok for a country artist to mame and butcher Janis Joplin and Neil Diamond. And yes, I like Neil Diamond, wanna fight about it?

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